
Dusty Deen

best film coyote still

"I've always been intrigued by the term "coyote" when used as slang to describe the human smugglers who lead immigrants through the Chihuahuan Desert. Actual coyotes are often seen as deceptive, unrelenting menaces and their human counterparts expand on those descriptions. "Coyotes" take advantage of people at their most vulnerable by taking money from those looking to come into the United States to lead them through the desert so that they may illegally cross into the US. Often those "coyotes" will take further advantage of or even leave those people for dead. This practice is fueled by politics."

-- Dusty Deen

Dusty Deen is an American animator and filmmaker. His vibrant creations have been featured on screens and in galleries worldwide. His abstract representations are often emotive and psychedelic, brought to life with an animation process that marries timeless techniques with modern technology.

He lends his unique style to films, documentaries, music videos, and more.

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Dust Wave 2023

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The Fronteras Micro-film Festival is a festival and exhibition created to provoke public conversation about national borders. Our film selections address themes of surveillance, enforcement, and crossings.

Fronteras Micro-film Festival

(ɔ) Dust Wave 👋👋👋

Design based on an Eleventy template by Victoria Douglas